Sunday, July 25, 2010

2008 Mercedes Ladies Car

8:21 PM by onesecond ·
2008 Mercedes Ladies Car
Women played a crucial role in the success of the automobile, which was invented almost simultaneously by Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz in 1886. The first long-distance journey in the Benz Patent Motor Car – which was also the first promotional tour and the first endurance test in automotive history – was undertaken by a woman: Bertha Benz. And the breakthrough for the revolutionary new German invention was achieved in France, thanks to the enterprising spirit of a woman: Louise Sarazin. The first person to pass a driving test was a woman, Duchess Anne d’Uzès, who was also the first person to be fined for speeding. And the first person to round the world in a car was, yes, you guessed it, a woman – Clärenore Stinnes.

The two inventors of the car, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, were greatly encouraged in their work by their wives. The book ,Daimler – Benz. Wo das Auto anfing, pays tribute to their contributions to the invention of the automobile: "For the wives of the pioneers not to give their advice in decisions really would not have been in keeping with their position nor with the sacrifices they made." As the saying goes: Behind every strong man there is a strong woman in support.

The wife of Carl Benz played an extremely active role in the history of the automobile. Bertha Benz not only constantly strengthened her husband's resolve, encouraged him when he was on the verge of giving up in the face of seemingly insoluble problems, or was a good partner to him for constructive discussions, she even used her dowry to support her husband's plans.

In addition, she was the first woman to help further develop the automobile. After the first long trip (and first endurance test) with the Benz Patent Motor Car from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back in August 1888, she knew as driver what definitely had to be improved. One thing the vehicle needed was an additional gear for hills, as Carl Benz recalls in his memoirs, which were transcribed by his son-in-law rather than Benz himself: "And the moral of the story was: 'The engine is too weak for mountain tours.' So the engineer gladly accepted the proposal and fitted a third gear for uphill travel."


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