Friday, February 26, 2010

Alfa Romeo Duetto Installation Instructions

You have just purchased the finest Hardtop available on the market today. Skilled craftsmen using the highest quality materials and modern technology have manufactured this product. By following these simple instructions you will have many years of enjoyment and the top will last as long as your car. The following tips will be helpful if you are qualified to do it yourself. If not, we recommend that your Hardtop be installed and finished by a professional body shop. A point to remember, automobiles are mass-produced and built with certain tolerance. Sometimes these tolerances are quite large. No two are alike. A body man is a skilled tradesman; a skill that is not learned overnight. A “well fitting” automobile is a series of adjustments and compromises.

DO NOT PAINT until after initial installation. After this initial installation procedure on/off will be as easy as placing the convertible top up/down position.
A. Prior to placing the top on the car:
1. Fold top cloth into the normal top down position being sure to snap the two rear leather tie down cords. Alternatively, you may remove the cloth top from the car.
2. Clean top of windshield frame and rear deck area.
3. Lubricate the bottom of the deck rubber of the hardtop with a silicone lubricant or Vaseline.
4. Attach the supplied metal adaptor plates (taped to turnbuckle assembly) to the convertible top frame at the frame pivot point (behind the upper screw) – one per side. The plate should be placed in a vertical position with the large hole up.
5. On the hardtop: loosen front fasteners

B. Place hardtop on the car:
1. Make sure that the side window moldings do not get pinched between the top and the windshield frame. Align the top on the windshield frame and install the two “J” hooks. Hand tighten these fasteners being careful not to over tighten.
2. Hook the turnbuckle assembly into the rear adaptor plates and hand tighten the turnbuckles.
3. When top is properly positioned, loosen fittings and trim excess side window rubber with scissors or a knife (see Fig.1)
4. Latch the front fasteners.

C. Maintenance of the top:
1. Side window rubber molding may be lubricated with a silicone base wax of Vaseline for easy winding of the windows. Similar lubrication may be used on the deck rubber seal if squeaking occurs.
2. If painted, keep surface waxed to preserve the gloss finish. On vinyl tops, clean periodically with a vinyl cleaner and coat with a vinyl top sealer.
3. The rear window is Plexiglass and caution should be exercised to prevent scratching. Clean with mild soap and sponge or soft cloth. Dry with a chamois skin
– keep dirty rags away from the window. A plastic wax such as “Mirror Glaze” can be used to wax the window.
If the top is to be painted : Mask off rear window with cellophane or a non-porous material to prevent thinner fumes from attacking the Plexiglass.



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